Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I am not crazy!

I met with Dr. Dewitt in late January. He is such a nice guy! And his case manager and nurse are very sweet and helpful. Dr. Dewitt thinks I can be very successful with the surgery.

That day they ran bloodwork on me, which I was not expecting at all. My body does not give up blood well. A week later, a nurse calls and my vitamin D is low, and I have to take a vitamin once a week.

The next step was for Lori, the "go to lady" for Dr. Dewitt, to schedule things required for the surgery: psych exam, nutrition class, PT Assessment,and EKG.

Today was my psych exam. My co pay was $300! But the total was $900, so I guess that is okay. They told be to prepare to be there for 3-5 hours. The day started terribly! I was running late, horrific traffic, and my work called to tell me the girl who I got to cover for me was already an HOUR late! I was hoping they didn't take my blood pressure, I would've failed.

First, the assistant took me in an office, and I had to repeat words he called out to me (which I passed) and then I took a 20 minute "brain teaser" quiz. Next, I was taken into a room to take a personality test, ink blot test, eating habit quiz...and more personality tests. It took me about an hour and fifteen minutes to complete them (which the assistant said was pretty fast). I then met with the psychologist. She talked with me about some issues that came up on my personality tests, but overall she thinks I am a good candidate for the Lap Band surgery. She went over the three things that can cause failure after the surgery:

1. Sodas ( my beloved tea with Splenda is okay!!!)
2. Sugar ( especially sugar drinks, I.e apple juice)
3. Grazing

She said it will take about 2 days for Dr. Dewitt's office to receive her letter, but as far as mental health, I am good to go!

Next, Feb. 27, I have a nutrition class, and PT assessment. Then, March 1 the EKG.

Then....I don't know...just waiting...

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